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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 9585—Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Inc., Located at Akron, Ohio
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9584—Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 9583—Amendment of Executive Order 9356 of June 24, 1943, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind Or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve
Executive Order 9577-A—Authorizing the Petroleum Administrator to Take Possession of and Operate the Plants and Facilities of the Texas Company Located in and Around Port Arthur, Texas
Executive Order 9578—Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Under the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945