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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 12879—Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of the Navy
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 12878—Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement Reform
Executive Order 12877—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12569
Remarks on Signing the Executive Order on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Executive Order 12876—Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Executive Order 12875—Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership
Executive Order 12874—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between The Long Island Rail Road and Certain of Its Employees Represented by the United Transportation Union
Executive Order 12873—Federal Acquisition and Waste Prevention
Statement on Signing the Executive Order on Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention
Executive Order 12872—Blocking Property of Persons Obstructing Democratization in Haiti
Executive Order 12871—Labor-Management Partnerships
Executive Order 12867—Termination of Emergency Authority for Certain Export Controls
Remarks on Signing the Executive Order on Regulatory Planning and Review and an Exchange With Reporters
Executive Order 12868—Measures To Restrict The Participation By United States Persons In Weapons Proliferation Activities
Executive Order 12866—Regulatory Planning and Review
Executive Order 12870—Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee
Executive Order 12869—Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Executive Order 12865—Prohibiting Certain Transactions Involving UNITA
Executive Order 12864—United States Advisory Council on the National Information Infrastructure
Executive Order 12863—President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Executive Order 12862—Setting Customer Service Standards
Executive Order 12861—Elimination of One-Half of Executive Branch Internal Regulations
Executive Order 12860—Adding Members to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
Executive Order 12859—Establishment of the Domestic Policy Council
Executive Order 12857—Budget Control
Executive Order 12858—Deficit Reduction Fund
Statement on the Executive Order on Federal Pollution Prevention
Remarks on Signing the Executive Orders on Budget Control and the Deficit Reduction Fund and an Exchange With Reporters
Executive Order 12856—Federal Compliance With Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements
Executive Order 12855—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12852
Executive Order 12854—Implementation of the Cuban Democracy Act
Executive Order 12853—Blocking Government of Haiti Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Haiti
Executive Order 12852—Presidents Council on Sustainable Development
Executive Order 12851—Administration of Proliferation Sanctions, Middle East Arms Control, and Related Congressional Reporting Responsibilities
Executive Order 12850—Conditions for Renewal of Most-Favored-Nation Status for the Peoples Republic of China in 1994
Executive Order 12849—Implementation of Agreement With the European Community on Government Procurement
Executive Order 12848—Federal Plan To Break the Cycle of Homelessness
Executive Order 12847—Amending Executive Order No. 11423
Executive Order 12846—Additional Measures With Respect to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Remarks on Earth Day
Executive Order 12843—Procurement Requirements and Policies for Federal Agencies for Ozone-Depleting Substances
Executive Order 12845—Requiring Agencies To Purchase Energy Efficient Computer Equipment
Executive Order 12844—Federal Use of Alternative Fueled Vehicles
Executive Order 12842—International Development Law Institute
Executive Order 12841—Adjustments to Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
Executive Order 12840—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Remarks at a Meeting With Cabinet Members
Executive Order 12837—Deficit Control and Productivity Improvement in the Administration of the Federal Government
Executive Order 12839—Reduction of 100,000 Federal Positions
Executive Order 12838—Termination and Limitation of Federal Advisory Committees
Statement on Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Contracting
Executive Order 12836—Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Contracting
Executive Order 12835—Establishment of the National Economic Council
Executive Order 12834—Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees
Executive Order 12832—Amendments Relating to the National Research Council
George Bush
Executive Order 12833—Addition to Level V of the Executive Schedule: Transition Manager for the United States Enrichment Corporation
Executive Order 12831—Additional Measures with Respect to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Executive Order 12830—Establishing the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Executive Order 12829—National Industrial Security Program
Executive Order 12828—Delegation of Certain Personnel Management Authorities