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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 12582—Naturalization Requirements Exceptions for Aliens and Non-Citizen Nationals of the United States Who Served in the Grenada Campaign
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12581—President's Special Review Board
Executive Order 12580—Superfund Implementation
Executive Order 12579—President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation
Executive Order 12578—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Federal Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12577—Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on Friday, December 9,6, 1986
Executive Order 12576—Victims of Terrorism Compensation
Executive Order 12575—President's Special Review Board
Executive Order 12574—Establishing an Experimental Program Within the President's Commission on Executive Exchange
Executive Order 12573—Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as It Relates to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty
Executive Order 12572—Relations With the Northern Mariana Islands
Executive Order 12571—Implementation of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act
Executive Order 12570—Delegating Authority To Implement Assistance for Central American Democracies and the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Executive Order 12569—Compact of Free Association With the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau
Executive Order 12567—Designation of the Inter-American Investment Corporation, the Commission for the Study of Alternatives to the Panama Canal, and the Pacific Salmon Commission as Public International Organizations
Executive Order 12568—Employment Opportunities for Military Spouses at Nonappropriated Fund Activities
Executive Order 12566—Safety Belt Use Requirements for Federal Employees
Executive Order 12565—Prescribing a Comprehensive System of Financial Reporting for Officers and Employees in the Executive Branch
Executive Order 12564—Drug-Free Federal Workplace
Remarks on Signing an Executive Order and a Message to Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation To Combat Drug Abuse and Trafficking
Executive Order 12563—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Long Island Rail Road and Certain Labor Organizations Representing Its Employees
Executive Order 12562—Establishment of an Emergency Board To Investigate Railroad Labor Disputes
Executive Order 12561—Delegating Certain Functions of the President Relating to Federal Civilian Employee and Contractor Travel Expenses
Executive Order 12560—Administration of Foreign Relations and Related Functions
Executive Order 12559—Exclusions From the Federal Labor- Management Relations Program
Executive Order 12557—Establishment of Emergency Board No. 209 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Executive Order 12558—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Long Island Rail Road and Certain Labor Organizations Representing Its Employees
Executive Order 12556—Mailing Privileges of Members of Armed Forces of the United States and of Friendly Foreign Nations
Executive Order 12555—Protection of Cultural Property
Executive Order 12554—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Executive Order 12553—Revocation of Various Executive Orders
Executive Order 12552—Productivity Improvement Program for the Federal Government
Executive Order 12551—The President's Export Council
Executive Order 12550—Amendments to the Manual for Courts- Martial, United States, 1984
Executive Order 12549—Debarment and Suspension of Participants in Federal Programs
Executive Order 12548—Grazing Fees
Executive Order 12547—Establishing Procedures for Facilitating Presidential Review of International Aviation Decisions Submitted by the Department of Transportation
Executive Order 12546—Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Executive Order 12545—National Commission on Space
Executive Order 12544—Blocking Libyan Government Property in the United States or Held by U.S. Persons
Executive Order 12543—Prohibiting Trade and Certain Transactions Involving Libya
Executive Order 12542—President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management
Executive Order 12541—Amending Executive Order 11157 as It Relates to a Basic Allowance for Quarters While on Sea Duty
Executive Order 12540—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12539—President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Executive Order 12538—Imports of Refined Petroleum Products From Libya
Executive Order 12537—President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Executive Order 12536—Board of the Foreign Service
Executive Order 12535—Prohibition of the Importation of the South African Krugerrand
Executive Order 12533—President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation
Executive Order 12534—Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Signing the Executive Order Prohibiting Trade and Certain Other Transactions Involving South Africa
Executive Order 12532—Prohibiting Trade and Certain Other Transactions Involving South Africa
Executive Order 12531—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the United Transportation Union and Certain Railroads Represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference
Executive Order 12530—Establishment of Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office
Executive Order 12529—President's Commission on Americans Outdoors
Executive Order 12528—Presidential Board of Advisors on Private Sector Initiatives
Executive Order 12527—Repealing Provisions Establishing an Administrative Position in the Food-for-Peace Program
Executive Order 12526—President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management
Executive Order 12525—Termination of Emergency Authority for Export Controls