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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 6404—Oil-Shale Restoration No. 2, Nevada
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6405—Power-Site Restoration No. 478, Utah
Executive Order 6391—Code of Fair Competition for the Men's Garter, Suspender, and Belt Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6392—Code of Fair Competition for Stock Exchange Firms
Executive Order 6393—Code of Fair Competition for the Tot and Playthings Industry
Executive Order 6394—Code of Fair Competition for the Funeral Supply Industry
Executive Order 6395—Code of Fair Competition for the Business Furniture, Storage Equipment, and Filing Supply Industry
Executive Order 6390—Designation of Marshal as Officer to Disburse Funds for Maintenance and Operation of District Court of the United States for Panama Canal Zone, Etc.
Executive Order 6385—Code of Fair Competition for the American Petroleum Equipment Industry and Trade
Executive Order 6386—Code of Fair Competition for the Steel Casting Industry