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Fact Sheet: New Patient-Focused Commitments to Advance the President's Precision Medicine Initiative
Barack Obama
Fact Sheet: Administration Announces New Initiative to Increase Solar Access for All Americans
Fact Sheet: The United States and Brazil - A Mature and Multi-Faceted Partnership
Fact Sheet: Middle Class Economics Rewarding Hard Work by Restoring Overtime Pay
Fact Sheet: The Export-Import Bank: Supporting American Exports and American Workers in Every State Across the Country
Fact Sheet: The Supreme Court Upholds Critical Part of the Affordable Care Act
Fact Sheet: ConnectED: Two Years of Delivering Opportunity to K-12 Schools & Libraries
Fact Sheet: U.S. Government Hostage Policy
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces Actions to Protect Communities from the Health Impacts of Climate Change at White House Summit
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces More Than $4 Billion in Private Sector Commitments and Executive Actions to Scale up Investment in Clean Energy Innovation