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Fact Sheet: Comprehensive U.S. Government Approach to Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Syria and the Broader Region
Barack Obama
Fact Sheet: The U.S. Global Anticorruption Agenda
Fact Sheet: President Obama to Designate Largest Marine Monument in the World Off-Limits to Development
Fact Sheet: U.S. Support for Civil Society
Fact Sheet: President Obama Announces New Actions To Strengthen Global Resilience To Climate Change And Launches Partnerships To Cut Carbon Pollution
Fact Sheet: Changes to U.S. Anti-Personnel Landmine Policy
Fact Sheet: The Equal Futures Partnership - Commitments and Progress to Expand Women's Economic and Political Participation
Fact Sheet: Launch of the "It's On Us" Public Awareness Campaign to Help Prevent Campus Sexual Assault
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Takes Actions to Combat Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Fact Sheet: U.S. Support for Ukraine