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Letter to Chairman Nikolai V. Podgorny of the Soviet Union Accepting for the United States the Interim Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
Richard Nixon
Message to Prime Minister Golda Meir of Israel About the Deaths of Israeli Athletes at the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany
Letter to Prime Minister Golda Meir on the Inauguration of Communications Satellite Service for Israel.
Telegram to President Georges Pompidou of France Commending the French Government's Contribution of Facilities at Lyons to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Address to a Joint Meeting of the Canadian Parliament.
Message to Nikolai V. Podgorny, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, on the Death of Three Soviet Cosmonauts.
Message to the People of the Virgin Islands.
Letter to President Pompidou of France on the Death of General de Gaulle
Letters of the President and President Ho Chi Minh of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Letter of Congratulations to Willy Brandt on His Election as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Message of Congratulations to President-Elect Georges Pompidou of France.
Letter to General Charles de Gaulle on the Announcement of His Resignation as President of France.
Letter of Congratulations to President Zalman Shazar on the 21st Anniversary of the State of Israel.
Message to the President of Ireland on St. Patrick's Day
Remarks in Bonn Before the German Bundestag.
Message to the President of Israel on the Death of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol.
Exchange of Letters With President de Gaulle of France.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Message to President de Gaulle Concerning His Decision To Maintain the Value of the Franc.
Message to Haile Selassie, Chairman of the Consultative Committee on Nigeria of the Organization of African Unity.
Message to President Marcos Following an Earthquake in the Philippines.