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Message to Senora Schick on the Death of President Rene Schick of Nicaragua.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Message to Provisional President Garcia-Godoy Following the Election in the Dominican Republic.
Message to Queen Juliana on the Occasion of the Wedding of Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands.
Message of Congratulations Following the Landing on the Moon of the U.S.S.R.'s Luna 9.
Message to Prime Minister Menzies of Australia Upon Learning of His Decision To Retire.
Messages to the President-Elect and to the President of the Republic of the Philippines.
Telegram to the New Amir of Kuwait on the Death of His Brother, Shaikh Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah.
Message Greeting the Organization of African Unity Then Meeting in Accra.
Message to Chancellor Erhard on His Victory in the German Elections.
Message to the Shah of Iran on the 25th Anniversary of His Reign.
Exchange of Messages With H. H. Cheeley of Iuka, Ill., on the President's Birthday.
Exchange of Messages With Prime Minister Pearson on the 25th Anniversary of the Canada-U.S. Permanent Joint Board on Defense.
Exchange of Messages With the President of Chile Concerning U.S. Assistance in the Chilean Flood Disaster.
Message to the President of Korea on Learning of Plans To Dispatch Korean Troops to South Viet-Nam.
Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations Expressing Confidence in Ambassador Goldberg and Emphasizing U.S. Willingness To Negotiate on Viet-Nam
Exchange of Messages With the Secretary General of the United Nations.
Message of Congratulations Following the Orbital Flight of Russian Spaceship Voskhod 2.
Message to the Chancellor of Austria on the Death of President Schaerf.
New Year Greetings to Leaders of the Soviet Union.
Message to Giuseppe Saragat Upon His Election as President of Italy.
Message to President Segni of Italy.
Message Greeting Sir Winston Churchill on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday.
Message to President Kaunda on the Occasion of the Independence of Zambia.
Exchange of Messages With the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Message to President de Valera on the Occasion of His 82d Birthday.
Message of Congratulation to the Right Honorable Harold Wilson.
Message to Prime Minister Olivier on the Occasion of the Independence of Malta.
Message to the President of Finland on the Death of Ambassador Sakari Tuomioja.
Exchange of Messages With the President of Brazil.
Message to President Nasser Extending Greetings to the Conference of African Heads of State.
Message to the New Prime Minister of India.
Message to President de Valera.
Letter to the President of India on the Death of Prime Minister Nehru.
Message to the New President of Brazil.
Exchange of Messages With the Prime Minister of Japan Following an Attack on Ambassador Reischauer.
Letter to Chairman Khrushchev on the Situation in Cyprus.
Exchange of Messages With Patriarch Athenagoras I.
Letter to Chairman Khrushchev on the Eve of the Reopening of the Geneva Disarmament Conference.
Farewell Message to President Segni of Italy.
Message to the President of Ghana Following an Attempt on His Life.