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Documents Issued at the Conclusion of the North Atlantic Council Meetings Held in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Ronald Reagan
Remarks of the President and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to Reporters Following a Breakfast Meeting in London
Toasts of the President and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at a Luncheon Honoring the President in London
Toasts of the President and Queen Elizabeth II at a Dinner Honoring the President at Windsor Castle in England
Remarks Following a Meeting With Pope John Paul II in Vatican City
Joint Statement Following Meetings in Rome With President Alessandro Pertini and Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini of Italy
Communiqué Issued at the Conclusion of the Versailles Economic Summit Conference in France
Remarks of President Reagan and French President Francois Mitterrand Following a Working Luncheon in Paris
Toasts of President Reagan and French President Francois Mitterrand at a Dinner Honoring the French President in Paris
Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Announcement on the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks