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Toasts at the State Dinner for President Jose Sarney Costa of Brazil
Ronald Reagan
Remarks Following Discussions With President Miguel De la Madrid Hurtado of Mexico
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Mohammed Khan Junejo of Pakistan
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Mohammed Khan Junejo of Pakistan
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With President Francois Mitterrand of France
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Julio Maria Sanguinetti of Uruguay
Toasts at the State Dinner for President Julio Maria Sanguinetti of Uruguay
Honduras-United States Joint Communique
Remarks Following Discussions With President Jose Simeon Azcona Hoyo of Honduras
Tokyo Economic Summit Conference Declaration
Tokyo Economic Summit Conference Statement on International Terrorism
Tokyo Economic Summit Conference Statement on the Soviet Nuclear Reactor Accident at Chernobyl
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Hawke of Australia
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Robert Hawke of Australia
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada
Toasts at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald of Ireland
Remarks Following Discussions With President Paul Biya of Cameroon
Toasts at the State Dinner for President Leon Febres-Cordero Ribadeneyra of Ecuador
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Leon Febres- Cordero Ribadeneyra of Ecuador
New Year's Messages of President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev
Remarks on Issuing the Joint Soviet-United States Statement on the Summit Meeting in Geneva
Joint Soviet-United States Statement on the Summit Meeting in Geneva
Toasts at a White House Dinner for the Prince and Princess of Wales
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Shimon Peres of Israel
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore
Toasts at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore
Remarks Following Discussions With King Hussein I of Jordan
Remarks Following Discussions With President Samora Moises Machel of Mozambique
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Poul Schluter of Denmark
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Li Xiannian of China
Remarks Following Discussions With President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia
Toasts at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following Discussions With King Hussein I of Jordan
Remarks Following Discussions With President Roberto Suazo Cordova of Honduras
Joint Honduras-United States Communique
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting Between President Reagan and President Roberto Suazo Cordova of Honduras
Remarks Following Discussions With President Jose Napoleon Duarte of El Salvador
Bonn Economic Summit Declaration on Sustained Growth and Higher Employment
Bonn Economic Summit Political Declaration on the 40th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War
Remarks Following Discussions With President Chun Doo Hwan of the Republic of Korea
Telephone Conversation With the Astronauts on Board the Space Shuttle Discovery
Toasts at the State Dinner for President Chadli Bendjedid of Algeria
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Chadli Bendjedid of Algeria
Joint Columbia-United States Statement on Drug Abuse and Trafficking
Remarks Following Discussions With President Belisario Betancur Cuartas of Colombia
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Turgut Ozal of Turkey
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Raul Alfonsin of Argentina
Toasts at the State Dinner for President Raul Alfonsin of Argentina
Joint Argentina-United States Declaration on Democracy
Joint Canada-United States Declarations on Trade and International Security
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in Quebec City, Canada, Announcing the Appointment of Special Envoys on Acid Rain
Joint Canada-United States Statement on Acid Rain
Remarks Following Discussions With President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt
Toasts at the State Department Dinner for President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of Egypt
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Bettino Craxi of Italy
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom