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Memorandum Promoting Adoption
Ronald Reagan
Memorandum on Indonesia and the Generalized System of Preferences
Memorandum on Eligibility of Tonga To Receive and Make Purchases of Defense Articles and Services Under the Foreign Assistance Act and Arms Export Control Act
Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended
Order on Emergency Deficit Control Measures for Fiscal Year 1988
Memorandum on the Presidential Design Awards Program
Memorandum for the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Memorandum on the Federal Drug Testing Program
Memorandum on Determination of FY 1988 Refugee Admissions Numbers and Authorization of In-Country Refugee Status Pursuant to Sections 207 and 101(a)(42), Respectively, of the Immigration and Nationality Act
Memorandum on the Restriction of Pasta Imports From the European Economic Community