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Memorandum on Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs Relating to Syria
Barack Obama
Memorandum on Rulemaking Concerning the Standards for Designating Positions in the Competitive Service as National Security Sensitive and Related Matters
Remarks on Gun Violence
Memorandum on Engaging in Public Health Research on the Causes and Prevention of Gun Violence
Memorandum on Tracing of Firearms in Connection With Criminal Investigations
Memorandum on Improving Availability of Relevant Executive Branch Records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions Under Section 6 of United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012
Memorandum on the National Flood Insurance Program
Memorandum on Federal Employee Pay Schedules and Rates That Are Set by Administrative Discretion
Memorandum on Designation of an Authorized Representative of the Federal Government Under Section 7302 of the National Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
Memorandum on the Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act
Memorandum on Designation of an Authorized Representative of the Federal Government Under the National Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
Memorandum on the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs
Memorandum on an Emergency Leave Transfer Program for Federal Employees Adversely Affected by Hurricane Sandy
Memorandum on Directing a Transfer of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Oil From the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve to the Department of Defense for Disbursement to Communities Affected by Hurricane Sandy
Memorandum on Provision of United States Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Brazil
Memorandum on Delegation of Functions to the Secretary of State To Support Assistance by International Financial Institutions for Burma
Memorandum on Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012
Memorandum on Fiscal Year 2013 Refugee Admissions Numbers and Authorizations of In-Country Refugee Status