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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 7509—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, 2001
George W. Bush
Proclamation 7505—To Modify the Tariff-Rate Quota Applicable to Imports of Steel Wire Rod
Proclamation 7506—National Family Week, 2001
Proclamation 7504—Thanksgiving Day, 2001
Proclamation 7503—America Recycles Day, 2001
Proclamation 7502—To Provide for the Termination of Action Taken With Regard to Imports of Lamb Meat
Proclamation 7501—National Farm-City Week, 2001
Proclamation 7500—National American Indian Heritage Month, 2001
Proclamation 7497—National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2001
Proclamation 7498—National Family Caregivers Month, 2001