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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 6516—Year of American Craft: A Celebration of the Creative Work of the Hand, 1993
George Bush
Proclamation 6515—To Modify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, To Extend Tariff Reductions on Certain Tropical Products, To Reduce Duties on Peach, Apricot, Raspberry, or Cherry Jams, and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 6514—Religious Freedom Day, 1993
Proclamation 6513—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1992
Proclamation 6512—Wright Brothers Day, 1992
Proclamation 6511—National American Indian Heritage Month, 1992
Proclamation 6510—To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 6509—National Education First Week, 1992
Proclamation 6508—Thanksgiving Day, 1992
Proclamation 6506—Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day, 1992