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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 5249—National Quality Month, 1984
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5243—National Adult Day Care Center Week, 1984
Proclamation 5244—Child Health Day, 1984
Proclamation 5245—National Birds of Prey Conservation Week, 1984
Proclamation 5246—National Neighborhood Housing Services Week, 1984
Proclamation 5240—National Community Leadership Week, 1984
Proclamation 5241—Emergency Medicine Week, 1984
Proclamation 5242—World War I Aces and Aviators Day, 1984
Proclamation 5239—National Historically Black Colleges Week, 1984
Remarks at a White House Reception Marking the Beginning of National Historically Black Colleges Week
Proclamation 5236—National Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Week, 1984
Proclamation 5237—Columbus Day, 1984
Proclamation 5238—Leif Erikson Day, 1984
Remarks on Signing the National Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Week Proclamation
Proclamation 5233—National Sewing Month, 1984
Proclamation 5234—Youth of America Week, 1984
Proclamation 5235—National School-Age Child Care Awareness Week, 1984
Remarks on Signing the National Hispanic Heritage Week Proclamation
Proclamation 5232—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1984
Proclamation 5231—Ostomy Awareness Month, 1984