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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 5128—National Disabled Veterans Week, 1983
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5129—Florence Crittenton Mission Week, 1983
Proclamation 5130—Anti-Defamation League Day, 1983
Proclamation 5127—National Christmas Seal Month, 1983
Proclamation 5125—National Reye's Syndrome Week, 1983
Proclamation 5126—National Family Week, 1983
Proclamation 5124—National Diabetes Month, 1983
Proclamation 5123—National Drug Abuse Education Week, 1983
Remarks on Signing the National Drug Abuse Education Week Proclamation
Proclamation 5122—National Poison Prevention Week, 1984
Proclamation 5121—Death of American and French Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Proclamation 5120—Metropolitan Opera Day, 1983
Proclamation 5119—Wright Brothers Day, 1983
Remarks on Signing the World Food Day Proclamation
Proclamation 5118—World Food Day, 1983
Proclamation 5116—Lupus Awareness Week, 1983
Proclamation 5117—National Farm-City Week, 1983
Proclamation 5115—National Schoolbus Safety Week, 1983
Proclamation 5114—Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Week, 1983
Proclamation 5113—National Productivity Improvement Week, 1983