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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 5093—National Day of Mourning, Sunday, September 11, 1983
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5087—Fire Prevention Week, 1983
Proclamation 5088—National School Lunch Week, 1983
Proclamation 5089—Columbus Day, 1983
Proclamation 5090—General Pulaski Memorial Day, 1983
Proclamation 5091—White Cane Safety Day, 1983
Proclamation 5092—National Forest Products Week, 1983
Proclamation 5086—Death of American Citizens on Board Korean Airlines Flight
Proclamation 5085—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1983
Proclamation 5084—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1983
Proclamation 5082—200th Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaty of Paris
Proclamation 5083—Minority Enterprise Development Week, 1983
Proclamation 5081—Child Health Day, 1983
Proclamation 5080—National Child Support Enforcement Month, 1983
Remarks on Signing the National Child Support Enforcement Month Proclamation
Proclamation 5079—Women's Equality Day, 1983
Proclamation 5078—National Paralyzed Veterans Recognition Day, 1983
Proclamation 5077—National Animal Agriculture Week, 1983
Remarks at Ceremonies Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Proclamation 5076—FBI Day, 1983