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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3992—White Cane Safety Day, 1970
Richard Nixon
Proclamation 3991—National Highway Week, 1970
Proclamation 3990—Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 Relating to Import of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 3989—Random Selection of Military Service for Registrants Who Attain the Age of Nineteen During the Current Year
Proclamation 3988—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1970
Proclamation 3987—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1970
Proclamation 3986—Fiftieth Anniversary of the Women's Bureau, United States Department of Labor
Proclamation 3985—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1970
Proclamation 3984—Mother's Day, 1970
Proclamation 3983—World Trade Week, 1970
Proclamation 3982—Day of Prayer
Proclamation 3981—Drug Abuse Prevention Week, 1970
Proclamation 3980—National Arbor Day
Proclamation 3979—Designating a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving
Proclamation 3978—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1970
Proclamation 3977—Senior Citizens Month, 1970
Proclamation 3976—National Maritime Day, 1970
Proclamation 3975—Loyalty Day, 1970
Proclamation 3974—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1970
Proclamation 3973—Nineteenth Decennial Census of the United States