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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 2663—Discontinuing the Casco Bay, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Boston, Cape Hatteras, and Key West Maritime Control Areas
Harry S Truman
Proclamation 2662—Removal of Alien Enemies
Proclamation 2661—Fire Prevention Week, 1945
Proclamation 2660—Victory in the East—Day of Prayer
Proclamation 2659—Eliminating Certain Lands From the Santa Rosa Island National Monument and Reserving Them for the Use of the War Department for Military Purposes
Proclamation 2658—Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Certain Game Mammals
Proclamation 2657—National Defense Pipe Line the Texas-Empire Pipe Line Company
Proclamation 2656—Air Force Day
Proclamation 2655—Removal of Alien Enemies
Proclamation 2654—Flag Day, 1945
Proclamation 2653—Emergency Board, Colorado & Wyoming Railway Company—Employees
Proclamation 2652—National Farm-Safety Week, 1945
Proclamation 2651—Victory in Europe: Day of Prayer
Proclamation 2650—National Rehabilitation Week
Proclamation 2649—Mother's Day, 1945
Proclamation 2648—Announcing the Death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Proclamation 2629—Thanksgiving Day, 1944
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2614—Flag Day, 1944
Proclamation 2612—Mother's Day, 1944
Proclamation 2613—National Maritime Day, 1944