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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 2611—Cancer Control Month, 1944
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2610—Army Day, 1944
Proclamation 2609—Child Health Day, 1944
Proclamation 2608—Copyright Extension: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Including Certain British Territories) and Palestine
Proclamation 2607—"I Am An American Day", 1944
Proclamation 2606—Red Cross Month, 1944
Proclamation 2605—The Flag of the United States
Proclamation 2604—Thomas Alva Edison Day, 1944
Proclamation 2603—Immigration Quota for Chinese
Proclamation 2602—Day of Prayer
Proclamation 2601—Capture of Prizes
Proclamation 2600—Thanksgiving Day, 1943
Proclamation 2599—Merchandise In General—Order and Bonded Warehouses
Proclamation 2598—Armistice Day, 1943
Proclamation 2597—Extra Registration
Proclamation 2596—Amendment to Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds
Proclamation 2595—Columbus Day, 1943
Proclamation 2594—Capture of Prizes
Proclamation 2593—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Michigan