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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 1715—Thanksgiving Day, 1924
Calvin Coolidge
Proclamation 1713—Historic Areas on Certain Military Reservations Declared National Monuments
Proclamation—National Fire Prevention Day, 1924
Proclamation 1711—Disposal of Lands Within the Former Devils Lake Indian Reservation, North Dakota
Proclamation 1701—Extension of Time for Payment for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Proclamation—Abrogation of the So-Called Taft Agreement Between the United States and Panama
Proclamation—Craters of the Moon National Monument
Proclamation—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Honduras Unlawful
Proclamation—Wheat and Wheat Products
Proclamation—Amnesty and Pardon
Proclamation—Forest Protection Week and Arbor Day, 1924
Proclamation—Death of Ex-President Wilson
Proclamation—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Mexico Unlawful
Proclamation 1681—Extension of Time for Payment for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Proclamation 1680—Thanksgiving Day, 1923
Proclamation—Carlsbad Cave National Monument
Proclamation 1677—Changing the Boundaries of the Sitgreaves National Forest
Proclamation—National Education Week-1923
Proclamation—National Fire Prevention Day-1923