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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3954—National Poison Prevention Week, 1970
Richard Nixon
Proclamation 3953—Partial Extension of Increased Duty on Imports of Carpets and Rugs
Proclamation 3952—National Blood Donor Month
Proclamation 3951—Further Extension of Remaining Increased Duties on Imports of Sheet Glass
Proclamation 3950—Proclamation Interrupting Duty Reductions on Certain Chemicals
Remarks on Signing a Proclamation Honoring Reserve Components of the Armed Forces.
Proclamation 3949—Reserve Recognition Day
Proclamation 3948—Amending Proclamation No. 3044 With Respect to Display of the Flag of the United States of America at Half-Staff Upon the Death of Certain Officials and Former Officials
Proclamation 3947—Wright Brothers Day, 1969
Proclamation 3946—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day
Proclamation 3945—Random Selection for Military Service
Proclamation 3944—Thanksgiving Day, 1969
Proclamation 3943—Day of Bread and Harvest Festival
Proclamation 3942—National Industrial Hygiene Week
Proclamation 3941—National Family Health Week
Proclamation 3940—National Day of Prayer, 1969
Proclamation 3938—Child Health Day, 1969
Proclamation 3939—National School Lunch Week, 1969
Proclamation 3937—National Adult-Youth Communications Week
Proclamation 3935—American Education Week, 1969
Proclamation 3936—Veterans Day, 1969
Proclamation 3934—General von Steuben Memorial Day
Proclamation 3933—National Farm-City Week, 1969
Proclamation 3932—National Forest Products Week, 1969
Proclamation 3931—Stay in School
Proclamation 3930—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1969
Proclamation 3929—Columbus Day, 1969
Proclamation 3928—Leif Erikson Day, 1969
Proclamation 3927—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1969
Proclamation 3926—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1969
Remarks at the Dedication of Lady Bird Johnson Grove in Redwood National Park in California
Proclamation 3925—Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Redwood National Park
Proclamation 3924—United Nations Day, 1969
Proclamation 3923—World Law Day, 1969
Proclamation 3922—National Highway Week, 1969
Proclamation 3921—National Archery Week
Proclamation 3920—Fire Prevention Week, 1969
Proclamation 3919—National Day of Participation Honoring the Apollo 11 Mission
Proclamation 3918—Captive Nations Week, 1969
Proclamation 3917—Professional Photography Week in America