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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3383—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota to Supplement Proclamation, No. 3355
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3382—Civil War Centennial
Proclamation 3381—Human Rights Week, 1960
Proclamation 3380—Thanksgiving Day, 1960
Proclamation 3379—Establishing the St. Francis National Forest and Enlarging the Ozark and Nebraska National Forests, Arkansas and Nebraska
Proclamation 3376—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 3378—Imposing Import Quotas on Tung Oil and Tung Nuts
Proclamation 3377—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Proclamation 3374—Enlarging the Rocky Mountain National Park—Colorado
Proclamation 3375—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1960
Proclamation 3372—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 3373—Columbus Day, 1960
Proclamation 3371—National Forest Products Week, 1960
Proclamation 3370—Jane Addams Centennial Day
Proclamation 3369—Child Health Day, 1960
Proclamation 3368—National Farm-City Week, 1960
Proclamation 3367—Veteran's Day, 1960
Proclamation 3366—Termination of the Iranian Trade Agreement Proclamations
Proclamation 3365—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions on Cotton Typewriter-Ribbon Cloth
Proclamation 3364—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1960
Proclamation 3363—American Education Week, 1960
Proclamation 3362—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Proclamation 3361—Fire Prevention Week, 1960
Proclamation 3360—Modifying the Arches National Monument, Utah
Proclamation 3359—National Day of Prayer, 1960
Proclamation 3357—Captive Nations Week, 1960
Proclamation 3358—Determining Ethyl 1-(3-Cyano3,3-Diphenylpropyl)-4-Phenyl-4-Piperidinecarboxylate to be an Opiate
Proclamation 3356—1960 Pacific Festival
Proclamation 3355—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota
Proclamation 3354—National Wool Month, 1960
Proclamation 3353—Copyright Extension: Austria
Proclamation 3352—General of the Armies John J. Pershing Centennial Day
Proclamation 3351—Flag Day, 1960
Proclamation 3350—National Transportation Week, 1960
Proclamation 3349—United States of America-Japan Centennial Year
Proclamation 3348—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1960
Proclamation 3347—Increasing Import Quotas on Certain Kinds of Cheese
Proclamation 3346—World Trade Week, 1960
Proclamation 3345—Mother's Day 1960
Proclamation 3344—Excluding Lands from the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument—Colorado