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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 2756—Thanksgiving Day, 1947
Harry S Truman
Proclamation 2753—Armistice Day, 1947
Proclamation 2752—Amendment of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Proclamation 2751—Convening the Congress
Proclamation 2750—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1947
Proclamation 2749—Columbus Day, 1947
Proclamation 2748—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Illinois
Proclamation 2747—Amendments of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Proclamation 2746—Palestine: Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2745—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1947
Proclamation 2744—Amendment of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Proclamation 2743—National Guard Day, 1947
Proclamation 2742—Fire Prevention Week, 1947
Proclamation 2740—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Switzerland
Proclamation 2741—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Proclamation 2739—Amendments of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Proclamation 2738—Determining the Drug Amidone to Be An Opiate
Proclamation 2737—Air Force Day, 1947
Proclamation 2736—John Paul Jones Bicentennial Day, 1947
Proclamation 2735—Free Importation of Timber, Lumber, and Lumber Products
Proclamation 2734—Supplemental Quota on Imports of Extra Long-Staple Cotton
Proclamation 2733—Six Rivers National Forest—California
Proclamation 2732—Revocation of Proclamation No. 2412, Relating to the Control of Vessels in Territorial Waters of the United States
Proclamation 2731—Flag Day, 1947
Proclamation 2730—Amendment of Regulation Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals
Proclamation 2729—Copyright Extension: New Zealand
Proclamation 2728—National Maritime Day, 1947
Proclamation 2727—Mother's Day, 1947
Proclamation 2726—Child Health Day, 1947
Proclamation 2725—Amending the Proclamations of March 6 and March 9, 1933, and the Executive Order of March 10, 1933, to Exclude from Their Scope Member Banks of the Federal Reserve System
Proclamation 2724—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Florida
Proclamation 2723—National Farm Safety Week, 1947
Proclamation 2722—Copyright Extension: France
Proclamation 2721—Cancer Control Month, 1947
Proclamation 2720—Pan American Week, 1947
Proclamation 2719—Army Day and Army Week, 1947
Proclamation 2718—"I Am an American Day", 1947
Proclamation 2717—Enumeration of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War
Proclamation 2716—Red Cross Month, 1947
Proclamation 2715—Imposing Quota on Imports of Short Harsh or Rough Cotton