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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3009—Cancer Control Month, 1953
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3008—Armed Forces Day, 1953
Proclamation 3007—Supplementing Proclamation No. 2761A of December 16, 1947, With Respect to Certain Cattle
Proclamation 3006—Red Cross Month, 1953
Proclamation 3005—Child Health Day, 1953
Proclamation 3004—Control of Persons Leaving or Entering the United States
Harry S Truman
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Proclamation Enlarging the Olympic National Park.
Proclamation 3003—Enlarging the Olympic National Park Washington
Proclamation 3002—Extending the Period for the Establishment of Adequate Shipping Service for, and Deferring Extension of the Coastwise Laws to, Canton Island
Proclamation 3000—Granting Pardon to Certain Persons Who Have Served in the Armed Forces of the United States Since June 25, 1950
Proclamation 3001—Granting Amnesty and Pardon to Certain Persons Convicted by Court-Martial of Desertion From the Armed Forces of the United States
Proclamation 2999—United Nations Human Rights Day, 1952
Proclamation 2998—Enlarging the Hovenweep National Monument, Colorado and Utah
Proclamation 2997—Granting Certain Land to the City of Eastport, Maine, for Public Use
Proclamation 2996—Thanksgiving Day, 1952
Proclamation 2995—Establishment of the Coronado National Memorial Arizona
Proclamation 2994—Armistice Day, 1952
Proclamation 2993—Copyright: Principality of Monaco
Proclamation 2992—Korea—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2991—Imposing Import Fees on Shelled and Prepared Almonds
Proclamation 2990—Columbus Day, 1952
Proclamation 2989—Supplementary Trade Agreement: Venezuela
Proclamation 2988—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1952
Proclamation 2987—Fire Prevention Week, 1952
Proclamation 2986—Modification of Trade Agreement Concession and Adjustment in the Rate of Duty with Respect to Dried Figs
Proclamation 2985—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1952
Proclamation 2984—Citizenship Day, 1952
Proclamation 2983—Revocation of the Suspension of Duties on Zinc
Proclamation 2982—Terminating the Turkish Trade Agreement Proclamations
Proclamation 2981—United Nations Day, 1952
Proclamation 2980—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 2979—Revocation of the Duty Suspension on Lead
Proclamation 2978—National Day of Prayer, 1952
Proclamation 2977—Flag Day, 1952
Proclamation 2976—Olympic Week, 1952
Proclamation 2975—National Maritime Day, 1952
Proclamation 2974—Termination of the National Emergencies Proclaimed on September 8, 1939, and May 27, 1941
Proclamation 2973—Mother's Day, 1952
Proclamation 2972—Extra Registration
Proclamation 2971—Child Health Day, 1952
Proclamation 2970—National Farm Safety Week, 1952
Proclamation 2969—World Trade Week 1952
Proclamation 2968—Pan American Day, 1952
Proclamation 2967—Cancer Control Month, 1952
Proclamation 2966—Armed Forces Day, 1952
Proclamation 2965—Redefining the Boundaries of the Sitka National Monument, Alaska
Proclamation 2964—Red Cross Month, 1952
Proclamation 2963—Copyright Extension: Denmark
Proclamation 2962—Inter-American Cultural and Trade Center
Proclamation 2961—Addition of Devil's Hole, Nevada, to Death Valley National Monument—California and Nevada
Proclamation 2959—Allocating Tariff Quota on Certain Petroleum Products Under the Venezuealan Trade Agreement
Proclamation 2960—Modification of Trade-Agreement Concession and Adjustment in the Rate of Duty with Respect to Hatters' Fur
Proclamation 2957—Stephen Foster Memorial Day
Proclamation 2958—Copyright Extension: Italy
Proclamation 2955—Imposing an Import Fee on Shelled and Prepared Almonds
Proclamation 2956—United Nations Human Rights Day, 1951
Proclamation 2954—Terminating in Part Proclamation No. 2761A of December 16, 1947 and Proclamations Supplemental Thereto, and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 2953—Copyright Extension: Finland
Proclamation 2952—Thanksgiving Day, 1951
Proclamation 2951—Armistice Day, 1951