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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 2540—Establishing Boston Maritime Control Area and Prescribing Regulations for the Control Thereof
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2539—Child Health Day, 1942
Proclamation 2538—Thomas Alva Edison Day
Proclamation 2537—Regulations Pertaining to Alien Enemies
Proclamation 2536—Establishing the Cristobal and the Gulf of Panama Maritime Control Areas and Prescribing Regulations for the Control Thereof
Proclamation 2535—Third Registration Day
Proclamation 2534—Extending the Period for the Establishment of an Adequate Shipping Service for, and Deferring Extension of the Coastwise Laws to, Canton Island
Proclamation 2533—Amending Proclamations Relating to Alien Enemies
Proclamation 2532—Establishing the Hawaiian Maritime Control Area and Prescribing Regulations for the Control Thereof
Proclamation 2531—Day of Prayer
Proclamation 2530—Red Cross War Fund Campaign
Proclamation 2526—Alien Enemies, German
Proclamation 2527—Alien Enemies, Italian
Proclamation 2525—Alien Enemies, Japanese
Proclamation 2529—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Maryland
Proclamation 2528—Enlarging the Pinnacles National Monument, California
Proclamation 2524—Bill of Rights Day
Proclamation 2523—Control of Persons Entering and Leaving the United States
Proclamation 2522—Thanksgiving Day, 1941
Proclamation 2521—Emergency Board, Railway Express Agency, Incorporated, Employes
Proclamation 2520—Armistice Day, 1941
Proclamation 2510—Emergency Board, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway and Other Carriers, Employees
Proclamation 2508—National Defense Pipe Line—Southeastern Pipe Line System
Proclamation 2509—Fire Prevention Week, 1941
Proclamation 2507—Retailers-for-Defense Week to Aid in the Sale of Defense Savings Stamps
Proclamation 2506—Control of the Export of Certain Articles and Materials
Proclamation 2505—National Defense Pipe Line—Plantation Pipe Line System
Proclamation 2504—Increasing Rate of Duty on Crab Meat
Proclamation 2497—Blacklisting 1,800 Latin American Firms for Aiding Germany or Italy
Proclamation 2493—Setting Aside Certain Lands for National Monument Purposes to be Administered as Part of the Ocmulgee National Monument
Proclamation 2487—Proclaiming That an Unlimited National Emergency Confronts This Country, Which Requires That Its Military, Naval, Air and Civilian Defenses Be Put on the Basis of Readiness to Repel Any and All Acts or Threats of Aggression Directed Toward Any Part of the Western Hemisphere
Proclamation 2454—Excluding Lands from the Wupatki National Monument and Reserving Them for Irrigation Purposes
Proclamation 2444—Neutrality of the United States in the War Between Italy and Greece
Proclamation 2442—Registration Day, Alaska
Proclamation 2441—Thanksgiving Day, 1940
Proclamation 2440—Venezuela—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2438—Haiti—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2439—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Washington
Proclamation 2435—Egypt—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2436—Guatemala—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2437—Dominican Republic—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2434—Greenland—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2432—Peru—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2433—Armistice Day, 1940
Proclamation 2431—Registration Day, Puerto Rico
Proclamation 2430—Registration Day, Hawaii
Proclamation 2425—Selective Service Registration
Proclamation 2418—Day of Prayer
Proclamation 2413—Prohibiting Unlicensed Export of War Materials and Strategic Raw Products
Proclamation 2408—Neutrality of the United States
Proclamation 2405—U.S. Neutrality in the War Between Germany and Belgium, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands
Proclamation 2404—Proclamation of a State of War Between Germany, on the One Hand, and Belgium, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands, on the Other Hand
Proclamation 2403—Italy—Suspension of Tonnage Duties
Proclamation 2399—Neutrality of the United States in the War Between Germany and Norway
Proclamation 2394—Defining Combat Areas
Proclamation 2378—Suspending the Marketing Quota Provisions of the Sugar Act of 1937
Statement on Signing a Proclamation Suspending the Marketing Quota Provisions of the Sugar Act of 1937
Proclamation 2376—Defining Combat Areas Under the New Neutrality Act of 1939
Proclamation 2374—Neutrality
Proclamation 2373—Thanksgiving Day