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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 5839—United States-Canada Days of Peace and Friendship, 1988
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5837—National Safety Belt Use Week, 1988
Proclamation 5836—Withdrawal of Nondiscriminatory Treatment for Products of Romania
Proclamation 5835—50th Anniversary of the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act, 1988
Proclamation 5834—National Dairy Goat Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5833—National Scleroderma Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5832—To Amend the Quantitative Limitations on Imports of Certain Cheese
Proclamation 5830—National Recycling Month, 1988
Proclamation 5831—Baltic Freedom Day, 1988
Proclamation 5829—Entry Into the United States of Certain Panamanians
Proclamation 5827—Take Pride in America Month, 1988
Proclamation 5828—National NHS-NeighborWorks Week, 1988
Proclamation 5826—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1988
Proclamation 5825—National Rural Health Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5824—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1988
Proclamation 5823—National Safe Kids Week, 1988
Remarks on Signing the National Safe Kids Week Proclamation
Proclamation 5822—National Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5819—National Osteoporosis Prevention Week, 1988
Proclamation 5820—National Foster Care Month, 1988
Proclamation 5821—Older Americans Month, 1988
Proclamation 5818—Just Say No Week, 1988
Proclamation 5816—National Maritime Day, 1988
Proclamation 5817—National Fishing Week, 1988
Proclamation 5815—National Safe Boating Week, 1988
Proclamation 5811—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1988
Proclamation 5812—National Older Americans Abuse Prevention Week, 1988
Proclamation 5813—Public Service Recognition Week, 1988
Proclamation 5814—World Trade Week, 1988
Proclamation 5807—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, 1988
Remarks on Signing the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week Proclamation
Proclamation 5808—National Digestive Disease Awareness Month, 1988
Proclamation 5809—National Drinking Water Week, 1988
Proclamation 5810—Father's Day, 1988
Proclamation 5804—National Arbor Day, 1988
Proclamation 5805—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 5806—National Trauma Awareness Month, 1988
Proclamation 5803—Loyalty Day, 1988
Proclamation 5802—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 1988
Proclamation 5801—Mother's Day, 1988
Proclamation 5800—National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5798—Jewish Heritage Week, 1988
Proclamation 5799—Law Day, U.S.A., 1988
Proclamation 5797—Crime Victims Week, 1988
Proclamation 5795—National Stuttering Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5796—Gaucher's Disease Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5792—National Child Care Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5793—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1988
Proclamation 5794—John Muir Day, 1988
Proclamation 5789—National Student-Athlete Day, 1988
Proclamation 5790—Dennis Chavez Day, 1988
Proclamation 5791—National Productivity Improvement Week, 1988
Proclamation 5788—National Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day, 1988
Proclamation 5787—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 5784—Actors' Fund of America Appreciation Month, 1988
Proclamation 5785—National Know Your Cholesterol Month, 1988
Proclamation 5786—Run to Daylight Day, 1988
Proclamation 5782—Education Day, U.S.A., 1988
Proclamation 5783—Fair Housing Month, 1988
Proclamation 5781—Cancer Control Month, 1988