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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 315—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Salvador
Benjamin Harrison
Proclamation 314—Suspending the Collection of Tonnage Duties on Ships From Ports in Tobago
Proclamation 313—Thanksgiving Day, 1891
Proclamation 312—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of Colorado
Proclamation 311—Opening to Settlement Lands Acquired from the Sac and Fox Nation of Indians, Oklahoma Territory
Proclamation 310—Clarifying the Boundaries of a Public Forest Reservation in Wyoming
Proclamation 309—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of the Dominican Republic
Proclamation 308—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Cuba and Puerto Rico
Proclamation 307—Copyright Protections for Citizens of Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Switzerland
Proclamation 306—Modus Vivendi Respecting the Fur-Seal Fisheries