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Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Transmitting the Annual Report on Soviet Noncompliance With Arms Control Agreements
Ronald Reagan
Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Deferrals
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate on the Designation of Guyana as a Beneficiary Developing Country
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Reporting on the Economic Sanctions Against Nicaragua
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Reporting on Emergency Deficit Control Measures for Fiscal Year 1989
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Transmitting the Annual Report on Apartheid
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the Railroad Retirement Board
Message to the Congress Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Panama
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval a Bill Authorizing Private Access Across a Portion of Buffalo National River Park
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Reports on Highway and Motor Vehicle Safety
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Reporting on the Cyprus Conflict
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the Council on Environmental Quality
Message to the Congress Reporting a Budget Deferral
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval the Textile Apparel and Footwear Trade Act of 1988
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the Rehabilitation Services Administration
Message to the Congress Reporting on Regulatory Reform
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report on Agricultural Trade Prospects in Selected Countries