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The Cyprus Conflict Message to the Congress Reporting on Progress Toward a Negotiated Settlement.
Jimmy Carter
Reorganization Plan Authority Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
Reorganization Plan Authority Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation.
Railroad Retirement Board Message to the Congress Transmitting an Annual Report.
Economic Recovery Program - Message to the Congress.
Natural Gas Legislation Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Withdrawing the Designation of the People's Republic of the Congo as a Beneficiary Developing Country for the Generalized System of Preferences
Gerald R. Ford
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Retransmitting Proposed Bicentennial Land Heritage Legislation
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States- Philippines Convention on Income Taxation.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting Proposed Energy Independence Authority Legislation
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting Studies on Emergency Contingency Plans in Case of Interrupted Petroleum Imports.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the Federal Ocean Program.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting Proposed Predator Control Reorganization Legislation
Letter to Congressional Committee Chairmen on Federal Compensation for Federal Reserve Board and Office of Management and Budget Officials
Special Message to the Congress Proposing Airline Industry Regulatory Reform Legislation
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Retransmitting the United States-Turkey Defense Cooperation Agreement
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual International Economic Report of the President.
Annual Message to the Congress: The Economic Report of the President
Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1978.
Special Message to the Congress Reporting on Budget Rescissions and Deferrals
Message to the Congress Urging Approval of Recommendations for Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salary Increases and Code of Conduct Reforms
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Bulgaria International Fishery Agreement.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Protocols to the Convention on International Carriage by Air.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Submitting Proposed Puerto Rico Statehood Legislation.
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting Proposed Legislation To Provide Temporary Secret Service Protection for Certain Former Federal Officials and Their Families
Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports on the Military Incentive Awards Program for 1975.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports on the Military Incentive Awards Program for 1976.
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress Reporting on the State of the Union
Message to the Congress Transmitting Report of the United States Sinai Mission.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Quarterly Report of the Council on Wage and Price Stability.
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the Organization of Federal Energy Functions.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Soviet Union International Fishery Agreement.
Letter to Congressional Committee Chairmen Transmitting a Report on the Status of Indochina Refugees.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-German Democratic Republic International Fishery Agreement.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Romania International Fishery Agreement.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-China International Fishery Agreement.
Message to the Congress Reporting on Administration Efforts to Settle the Cyprus Conflict.
Special Message to the Congress Reporting on Budget Deferrals