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Special Message to the Congress Requesting Funds for Rental Housing for Veterans.
Harry S Truman
Message to the Congress Transmitting First Report of the Air Coordinating Committee.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Draft of National Security Act.
Special Message to the Congress on U.S. Participation in the International Refugee Organization.
Special Message to the Congress Requesting Appropriations for Aid to Liberated Countries.
Special Message to the Congress on Termination of Emergency and Wartime Powers.
Special Message to the Congress on Rubber.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Concerning Gifts to the United Nations.
Message to the Congress Transmitting First Annual Report on U.S. Participation in the United Nations.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Succession to the Presidency.
Special Message to the Congress on Extension of the Second War Powers Act.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Concerning Creation of a Department of National Defense.
Annual Budget Message to the Congress: Fiscal Year 1948
Special Message to the Congress: The President's First Economic Report
Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union
Letter to Representative Pittenger of Minnesota Concerning Coal Supplies in the Midwest.
Veto of Bill To Authorize Exchange of Public Lands by the Secretary of the Interior.
Veto of Bill Granting Veteran Status to Certain Former Members of Revenue Cutter Crews.
Veto of Bill Concerning Title to Offshore Lands.
Special Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty and Protocol With the Philippines
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting a Recommendation of the International Labor Organization.
Letters to Congressional Leaders Urging Enactment of the Housing Bill
Special Message to the Congress Upon Signing the Second Price Control Bill.
Special Message to the Congress Upon Approving the Hobbs Bill.
Veto of Bill Providing for Exchanges of Property Within Glacier National Park.
Veto of the Price Control Bill.
Veto of Bill Relating to Claims Against the United States by Certain Indian Tribes
Letter to the Chairmen, Congressional Committees on Military and Naval Affairs on Unification of the Armed Forces.
Veto of Bill To Promote Former Prisoners of War in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Special Message to the Senate Urging Ratification of the International Convention on Civil Aviation.
Veto of the Case Bill.
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting Proposed Reductions in Appropriations for War Agencies.
Special Message to the Congress Urging Legislation for Industrial Peace
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill on Philippine Veterans' Benefits.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 2 of 1946.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 1 of 1946.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 3 of 1946.
Veto of Bill To Establish an Army Optometry Corps.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Bill for Inter-American Military Cooperation.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Corporation Supplement to the Budget for 1947.