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Message to the Senate Transmitting, in Response to Senate Resolution of January 2, 1913, a Memorandum of the Secretary of State Submitting a Report by the Consul General at Berlin Relative to the Friedmann Cure for Tuberculosis
William Howard Taft
Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and France, Negotiated August 3, 1911
Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and Great Britain, Negotiated August 3, 1911
Message to the Senate Explaining the Administration's Reasons for Eliminating from the Chugach National Forest of Alaska 12,800 Acres of Land Fronting on Controller Bay
Message to the Senate Explaining Assistance Given Shipbuilders by State Department in Contest for Contract to Construct Argentine Battleships
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Letter from the Secretary of the Navy on Personnel Losses on the U.S.S. Maine
William McKinley
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Report of the Secretary of State on the Situation in Cuba
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty to Annex the Hawaiian Islands
Benjamin Harrison
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty Between the United States and the United States of Colombia for the Construction of an Interoceanic Canal Across the Isthmus of Panama and Darien
Ulysses S. Grant
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Treaty with the Sioux Indians
James Buchanan