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Remarks by the Vice President at a Luncheon for Bush-Cheney '04 in Rochester, New York
Richard B. Cheney
Remarks by the Vice President at a Bush-Cheney '04 Luncheon in New York City
Remarks by the Vice President at the 2003 George C. Marshall Foundation Award Dinner Honoring Secretary Colin Powell
Remarks by the Vice President at a Dinner for Bush-Cheney '04 in Houston, Texas
Remarks by the Vice President at a Luncheon for Bush-Cheney '04 in Austin, Texas
Remarks by the Vice President at a Dinner for Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell in Denver, Colorado
Remarks by the Vice President at a Dinner for the Southwest Florida GOP in Bonita Springs, Florida
Remarks by the Vice President at a Luncheon for Congressman Phil Gingrey in Atlanta, Georgia
Remarks by the Vice President at a Reception for Bush-Cheney '04
Remarks by the Vice President at a Rally for Gubernatorial Candidate Haley Barbour in Columbus, Mississippi