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Message to Governor General Azikiwe on the First Anniversary of the Independence of Nigeria.
John F. Kennedy
Veto of Bill Increasing Retirement Benefits of Certain Policemen and Firemen.
Message to Prime Minister U Nu on the Flood Disaster in Burma.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Agreement With France for Cooperation on Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense
Message to the Conference on Science and World Affairs Meeting at Stowe, Vermont.
Message to Sir Winston Churchill on the 20th Anniversary of the Atlantic Charter.
Message to the Inter-American Economic and Social Conference at Punta del Este, Uruguay.
Message to Admiral Richmond on the Occasion of the 171st Anniversary of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Greetings to the People of Puerto Rico on the Ninth Anniversary of the Commonwealth.
Exchange of Messages With President Paz Estenssoro of Bolivia.