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Message to the People of the Federation of Nigeria on the Occasion of Their Independence.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Message to the Fourth General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Message for the SEATO Day Ceremonies at Bangkok.
Message to the King of Jordan on the Death of Prime Minister Hazza al-Majali.
Message to Prime Minister Chang Myon of Korea.
Message to President Po Sun Yun of Korea.
Special Message to the Congress on the Sugar Quota of the Dominican Republic.
Message to President M'ba on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Gabon.
Message to President Makarios on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Cyprus.
Message to President Youlou on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Congo.
Message to Prime Minister Dacko on the Occasion of the Independence of the Central African Republic.
Message to Prime Minister Tombalbaye on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Chad.
Special Message to the Congress Upon Its Reconvening
Message to Prime Minister Houphouet- Boigny on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of the Ivory Coast.
Message to Prime Minister Yameogo on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Upper Volta.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan.
Message to Prime Minister Diori on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Niger.
Message to the Students of Korea.
Message to Prime Minister Maga on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Dahomey.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Nkrumah on the Airlift of Ghanaian forces to the Congo.