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Transmittal to Congress of a Report of the National Resources Committee.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Message to Congress on the National Health Program.
Message to Congress on Legislation to Prevent Inequities Among Taxpayers.
Transmittal to Congress of a Report of the Social Security Board.
Report to Congress on Operations Under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Acts of 1935-1938.
Message to Congress Establishing the Federal Real Estate Board.
Message to Congress on Appropriations for National Defense.
Message to Congress on the Works Progress Administration.
Annual Budget Message
Christmas Greetings to the Army and Navy.
Christmas Greetings to Disabled Veterans.
Greetings to the C.I.O. Convention.
Greetings to the National Conference on Labor Legislation.
Message to the National Foreign Trade Council.
A Message on Navy Day.
Greeting to the National Eucharistic Congress.
Message for American Education Week.
Hitler's Reply To the President's Message on the Threat of War.
Message to Czechoslovakia, Germany, Great Britain, and France on the Threat of War
Message to the Conference on Economic Conditions of the South.
Veto of H.R. 2734.
Greeting to the NAACP.
Greeting on the Close of the Congressional Session.
Greeting to the World's Christian Endeavor Convention in Melbourne, Australia.
Veto of Farm Loan Interest Rates Bill.
Transmittal to Congress of the Proposed Codification of the Nationality Laws.
Transmittal to Congress of Recommendations of the International Labor Conference.
Message to Congress on Phosphates for Soil Fertility.
Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies.
Message to Congress on Terminating Tax Exemptions.
Message to Congress on Stimulating Recovery.
Message to Congress on the Railroad Problem.
Transmittal to Congress of a Proposed Hungarian Relief Debt Settlement.
Transmittal to Congress of the Record of the Removal of the Chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Message to Congress Suggesting a Study of the Forest Land Problem.
Message to Congress Presenting a Plan for Water Resources.
Transmittal to Congress of the Report of the Advisory Committee on Education.
Greeting to the Convention of the National Association of Broadcasters.
Message to Congress Recommending Increased Defense Appropriations.
Annual Budget Message.