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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Message to the Congress Transmitting Amendments to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1980.
Jimmy Carter
United States-Canada Agreement on Civil Uses of Atomic Energy Message to the Congress Transmitting a Protocol Amending the Agreement.
United States-German Democratic Republic Consular Convention Message to the Senate Transmitting the Convention.
Rescue Attempt for American Hostages in Iran Message for the Memorial Service for the Eight Airmen Who Died During the Operation.
United States-Malta Treaty on Income Taxes Message to the Senate Transmitting the Treaty.
Sanctions Against Iran Message to the Congress Reporting on Further Prohibitions on Transactions With Iran and Transmitting an Executive Order.
Generalized System of Preferences Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
General Revenue Sharing Program Message to the Congress Transmitting Legislation.
United States Sinai Support Mission Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Budget Rescissions and Deferrals Message to the Congress.
Council on Wage and Price Stability Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Economic Sanctions Against Iran Message to the Congress Reporting on the U.S. Actions.
Message on the Observance of National Nursing Home Week, May 11-18, 1980
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Convention Message to the Senate Transmitting an Amendment.
International Natural Rubber Agreement, 1979 Message to the Senate Transmitting the Agreement.
Budget Revisions Message to the Congress Transmitting Revisions to the Fiscal Year 1981 Budget.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1980.
Federal Advisory Committees Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Military Awards Program of the Departments of Defense and Transportation Message to the Congress Transmitting Two Reports.
Federal Civilian and Military Pay Rates Message to the Congress.
Message to the House of Representatives Returning H.R. 5235 Without Approval
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Budget Rescission Message to the Congress.
Nuclear Nonproliferation Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
International Science and Technology Message to the Congress Reporting on U.S. Programs.
Budget Rescission and Deferrals Message to the Congress.
Council on Environmental Quality Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Message on the Observance of National Brotherhood Week, February 17-23, 1980
John Day River in Oregon Message to the Congress Transmitting a Wild and Scenic River Study.
Federal Territorial Policy Message to the Congress Announcing Legislative Proposals and Administrative Actions.
Radioactive Waste Management Program Message to the Congress.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Federal Energy Conservation Programs Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
United States-International Atomic Energy Agency Cooperation Agreement Message to the Congress Transmitting an Amendment.
United States-Switzerland Agreement on Social Security Message to the Congress Transmitting the Agreement.
Annual Message to the Congress: The Economic Report of the President
Budget Message Message to the Congress Transmitting the Fiscal Year 1981 Budget.
Budget Deferrals and Rescissions Message to the Congress.
1959 Geneva Radio Regulations Message to the Senate Transmitting a Partial Revision.