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Message to President Vicente Mejia Colindres on Honduras' Independence Day.
Herbert Hoover
Message to President Jose Maria Moncada on Nicaragua's Independence Day.
Message to the American Trade Association Executives.
Message to the National Tax Association Convention.
Message on the 50th Anniversary of the First Commercial Electric Lighting and Generating Station.
Message on the Launching of Two Freighters of the Seatrain Line.
Message to the Affiliated Better Business Bureaus Conference.
Message to Abelardo Rodriguez on His Inauguration as President of Mexico.
Message to the Lafayette-Marne Day Committee.
Message in Tribute to Thomas Alva Edison.
Message to Scholastic Magazine
Message to the United States Building and Loan League.
Message to President Gabriel Terra on Uruguay's Independence Day.
Message in Tribute to General Leonard Wood.
Message on Luther Day.
Message to the Crosscup Pishon Post of the American Legion in Boston, Massachusetts.
Message to President Paul von Hindenburg of Germany on the Sinking of the Niobe.
Exchange of Messages With Regent Nicholas von Horthy on the Inauguration of Direct Radiotelegraphic Service Between Hungary and the United States.
Message to the Opening of the Games of the Tenth Olympiad.
Message on the Presentation of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Amelia Earhart.
Message to the National Economy League.
Message to the Boy Scouts of America.
Message to Frank Julian Sprague on His 75th Birthday.
Message to Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia on His Birthday.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Jean Jules Jusserand.
Message on the Dedication of Owyhee Dam.
Message to the Dedication Ceremonies of the International Peace Garden.
Message to President Albert Lebrun of France on Bastille Day.
Message to the Congress Recommending Alterations in the Board of Directors of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Veto of the Emergency Relief and Construction Bill.
Message to the Conference of Smaller Industries.
Message to President Albert Lebrun of France on the Sinking of the Submarine Promethee.
Message to the Congress Requesting a Special Appropriation for the President's Organization on Unemployment Relief.
Message to the Congress Recommending Legislation for the Relief of the Families of Emilio Cortez Rubio and Manuel Gomez.
Veto of a Bill Relating to Rate of Wages for Laborers and Mechanics Employed by Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Buildings.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Reverend Francis P. Duffy.
Message to The Daily Princetonian Honoring John Grief Hibben.
Message to the Dedication Ceremonies of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park.
Message Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Message of Sympathy on the Death of William C. Redfield.
Message to the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Message to the National Association of Purchasing Agents.
Message to Albert, King of the Belgians, in Response to His Memorial Day Message of Friendship
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Martha Van Rensselaer.
Message to the National Capital Presbyterian Commission.
Message to Ceremonies Honoring George B. Cortelyou.
Message to the Forum on House Construction.
Message to the Boys Club of America.
Message to President Augustin P. Justo on Argentina's Independence Day.
Message to the Biblical Seminary.
Message to the Huguenot Memorial Association.
Message to Amelia Earhart on Her Transatlantic Flight
Message to the National Conference of Social Work.
Message to President Gerardo Machado y Morales on Cuba's Independence Day.
Message to the Quadrennial General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Message to the Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Message to the Lafayette College Conference on the French Backgrounds of American Civilization.
Message to the National Congress of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Message to the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
Message in Tribute to Samuel F. B. Morse.