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Rubio Campaign Press Release - This is how we build a safer and stronger America.
Marco Rubio
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsement: Marine Combat Veteran & Former NH Congressional Candidate Ward Scott Endorses Gov. John Kasich
John Kasich
Rubio Campaign Press Release - What I Hope for Pope Francis's Visit to Cuba -- and the U.S.
Jindal Campaign Press Release - Jindal on Muslim President Question: It's Absurd
Bobby Jindal
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on the Suspension of the Scott Walker Campaign
Ted Cruz
Jeb Bush Campaign Press Release - USHCC 2015
Jeb Bush
Rand Paul Campaign Press Release - U.S. Congressman Mick Mulvaney Endorses Rand Paul for President
Rand Paul
Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: CNN: Cruz, The 'Original Outsider'
Remarks in Madison, Wisconsin Announcing the End of Presidential Campaign Activities
Scott Walker
Jindal Campaign Press Release - Governor Jindal Challenges Secretary Clinton to Healthcare Debate