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Statement of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: Comfortable and Knowledgeable
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney Talks About The State Of The Economy
Mitt Romney
Thompson Campaign Press Release - Thompson Launches New South Carolina TV Ad, "Always"
Fred Thompson
Romney Campaign Press Release - Michigan Conservative Leader Marlene Elwell Endorses Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Sen. McCain vs. Michigan Taxpayers
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - U.S. Representative Mike Thompson Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Amber And America Endorse Hillary
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Leading Social Conservative In Florida Switches From Thompson To Huckabee
Mike Huckabee
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Hires Colorado Communications Director
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Fact Sheet: Sen. Obama's 129 Present Votes
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - California NAACP President Alice Huffman Endorses Clinton
Thompson Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It....."New Poll says Thompson 'Gaining' in South Carolina."
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards To Launch "America Rising, Coast To Coast" Tour
John Edwards
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Outdoorsman Icon Ray Scott Endorses Mike Huckabee for President
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Statement by Giuliani's Florida Chairman Attorney General Bill McCollum On Early Voting in Florida
Rudy Giuliani
Interview with Tim Russert on NBC News' "Meet the Press"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Statement from the Clinton Campaign's Senior Economic Adviser Gene Sperling
Romney Campaign Press Release - Research Briefing: McCain's "Wrongheaded" Energy Tax Hike
Obama Campaign Press Release - Barack Obama Announces Plan to Revitalize Economy and Protect American Families
Barack Obama