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Statement by Bill Richardson on the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Calls for Musharraf to Step Down
Bill Richardson
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Calls on Iowans to 'Stand for Change' on January 3rd
Barack Obama
Richardson Campaign Press Release - Martin Sheen to Campaign with Bill Richardson in Iowa on December 30-31
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Romney Announces The New Hampshire Legislative Leadership Team
Mitt Romney
Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee Statement on Breaking News From Pakistan
Mike Huckabee
Edwards Statement Following Benazir Bhutto's Assassination
John Edwards
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on the Assassination of Pakistan's Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Thompson Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It...The Ottumwa Courier: "Support Thompson"
Fred Thompson
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Campaign Names Representative David Rivera and Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla Honorary Co-Chairs of Miami-Dade County
Richardson Campaign Press Release - In New Ad, Richardson Continues to Stake Out Differences on Iraq
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary "Stands Up' for South Carolina in New TV Ad
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton To Offer Caucus-Eve Closing Argument
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Rudy Giuliani Campaign Launches National Television Ad
Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey Endorses Hillary Clinton
Remarks in Des Moines, Iowa: "Our Moment Is Now"
Obama Campaign Press Release - Ottumwa Courier Endorses Barack Obama
Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Death of Benazir Bhutto
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards Launches Eight-Day, 38-County "America Rising: Fighting For The Middle Class" Bus Tour
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on the Assassination of Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
Obama Statement on the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto