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Thompson Campaign Press Release - Romney Fact Check on Preserving the Sanctity of Life
Fred Thompson
Biden Campaign Press Release - Keokuk Mayor David Gudgel Endorses Joe Biden
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary's Des Moines Register Endorsement: 'A Major Boost,' 'Momentum,' 'A Big One'
Hillary Clinton
Remarks at the Every County Counts Kickoff in Council Bluffs, Iowa
Interview with Tim Russert on NBC News' "Meet the Press"
Mitt Romney
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Des Moines Register Endorses Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - DAY 1: Every County Counts Tour
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards Delivers Major Speech On Lifting Up America's Middle Class
John Edwards
Romney Campaign Press Release - Gov. Huckabee: "Laughing Off a Serious Assignment About Foreign Policy"
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Campaign Issues Statement Regarding Foreign Policy
Mike Huckabee
Romney Campaign Press Release - Judge Robert Bork Endorses Governor Mitt Romney
Statement by Senator Joe Biden Responding to Bush Stonewalling in CIA Tapes Case
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards Campaign Unveils New "Fight" Television Ad In Iowa
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney On Governor Huckabee's Playground Diplomacy
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Iowans for Hillary Announces Asian-American Pacific Islander Leadership Council
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards Highlights Declaration Of Independence For Older Americans On Day Six Of The Main Street Express Bus Tour
Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Bali Roadmap
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Campaign Denounces Push Polling -- Again
Remarks in Tampa, Florida
Rudy Giuliani
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Vows to Protect Children from Lead-Based Toys
Barack Obama