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Speech by the Vice President on "Nixon Tonight," CBS-TV, New York, NY
Richard Nixon
Vice President Richard Nixon, TV Broadcast and Post Broadcast Remarks, the Coliseum, New York, NY
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA
John F. Kennedy
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Airport, San Diego, CA
Exchange of Telegrams Between Vice President Nixon and Governor Christopher Del Sesto of Rhode Island
Statement by the Vice President of the United States, on Recession, New York, NY
Remarks of the Vice President, Westchester County Airport, Yonkers, NY
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Horton Plaza, San Diego, CA
Remarks by Vice President Nixon, Larkin Plaza, Yonkers, NY
Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, CA - (Advance Release Text)