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Romney Campaign Press Release - The Upside-Down Obama Economy: Hostility To Small Businesses
Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Another Day, Another Obama Campaign Falsehood
Romney Campaign Press Release - The Obama Campaign's Top Ten Lies & Exaggerations
Romney Campaign Press Release - Rep. Rob Wittman: Election Year Gimmicks Shouldn't Undermine National Security
Romney Campaign Press Release - Sec. Frank Carlucci: Defense Cuts Will Hurt America's Status As A World Power
Romney Campaign Press Release - Sen. Jim Talent: Obama's Potential Defense Cuts Are "Irresponsible"
Romney Campaign Press Release - Rep. Scott Rigell: President Obama Must Address His Massive Cuts To Our Military
Romney Campaign Press Release - The Upside-Down Obama Economy: Record Debt And Trillion Dollar Deficits
Statement by Mitt Romney on President Obama's Comments on His Biggest Mistake as President
Remarks at the NAACP Convention in Houston, Texas