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Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on Republicans and the Farmer, Wichita, KS
John F. Kennedy
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Auditorium, Kansas City, MO
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Lawrence Stadium, Wichita, KS
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Crestwood Shopping Center, Crestwood, MO
Telegram to Dr. E. S. James, Editor, Baptist Standard, from Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Washington, DC
Richard Nixon
Letter to Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller, Chairman of the National Woman's Party
Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on National Sportsmen for Kennedy Committee
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Madison Square Garden, Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, New York, NY
Telegram from Senator John F. Kennedy in New York, NY, to Vice President Richard M. Nixon
Speech by the Vice President Before the Association of Business Economists, Vanderbilt Auditorium, New York University, New York, NY