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Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the Republican Presidential Nomination
Robert Dole
Excerpts of the President-Elect's News Conference in Little Rock Announcing the Nomination of Lloyd Bentsen as Secretary of the Treasury
William J. Clinton
Excerpts of the President-Elect's News Conference in Little Rock
Excerpts of Remarks in Little Rock
Address in Little Rock, Arkansas Accepting Election as Vice President of the United States
Albert Gore, Jr.
Address in Little Rock, Arkansas Accepting Election as the 42nd President of the United States
Remarks in Houston on the Results of the Presidential Election
George Bush
Excerpts of Remarks in Milwaukee
Excerpts of News Conference Announcing Decision to Campaign for President
H. Ross Perot
Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Houston
Address to the Republican National Convention in Houston
Patrick J. Buchanan
Address to the Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas
Ronald Reagan
Republican Party Platform of 1992
Republican Party Platforms
Remarks in Boulder, Wyoming, on Ross Perot's Withdrawal From the Presidential Campaign
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in New York
H. Ross Perot's News Conference in Dallas on Decision Not to Enter the Election
1992 Democratic Party Platform
Democratic Party Platforms
Statement on the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Victory
Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the Democratic Presidential Nomination