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Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Houston
George Bush
Republican Party Platform of 1992
Republican Party Platforms
Address to the Republican National Convention in Houston
Patrick J. Buchanan
Address to the Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas
Ronald Reagan
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in New York
William J. Clinton
H. Ross Perot's News Conference in Dallas on Decision Not to Enter the Election
H. Ross Perot
Remarks in Boulder, Wyoming, on Ross Perot's Withdrawal From the Presidential Campaign
1992 Democratic Party Platform
Democratic Party Platforms
Statement on the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Victory
Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the Democratic Presidential Nomination
Excerpts of the President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Nominations of James Watkins as Secretary of Energy and Bill Bennett as Director of National Drug Control Policy
Excerpts of the President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Nomination of Elizabeth Hanford Dole as Secretary of Labor
The President-Elect's News Conference Announcing Five Cabinet Nominations
Excerpts of the President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Nomination of Jack Kemp as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
The President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Nomination of Clayton Yeutter as Secretary of Agriculture
The President-Elect's News Conference in Washington, DC
Excerpts of the President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Appointment of Brent Scowcroft as National Security Advisor
The President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Nominations of Richard Thornburgh as Attorney General, Lauro F. Cavazos as Secretary of Education, and Richard G. Darman as Director of O.M.B.
The President-Elect's News Conference Announcing the Appointment of John Sununu as Chief of Staff
The President-Elect's News Conference in Gulf Stream, Florida