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Campaign Address at Columbus, Ohio
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Herbert Hoover
Radio Address on the National Democratic Platform From Albany, New York
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
1932 Democratic Party Platform
Democratic Party Platforms
Message Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Republican Party Platform of 1932
Republican Party Platforms
Address at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia
Address at Jefferson Day Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota
Radio Address From Albany, New York: "The 'Forgotten Man' Speech"
The Governor Enters the First Primary Campaign for the Presidential Nomination
Telegram to President Coolidge on Cruiser Legislation
Remarks the Cattete Palace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Address Before the Supreme Court of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro
Address Before the Brazilian Congress in Rio de Janeiro
Remarks at the Palace of the National Administrative Council of Uruguay in Montevideo
Remarks at the Parque Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay
Remarks in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Remarks in in Santiago, Chile
Remarks at Antofagasta, Chile