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Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Adlai Stevenson
1952 Democratic Party Platform
Democratic Party Platforms
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Republican Party Platform of 1952
Republican Party Platforms
Remarks at the Victory Celebration in Independence
Harry S Truman
Telegram to President Truman Conceding the Presidential Election
Thomas Dewey
Platform of the States Rights Democratic Party
Minor/Third Party Platforms
Progressive Party Platform of 1948
Address in Philadelphia Upon Accepting the Nomination of the Democratic National Convention
1948 Democratic Party Platform
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Republican Party Platform of 1948
Remarks Conceding the Presidential Election at the Hotel Roosevelt in Washington, DC
Address Broadcast from San Diego to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Franklin D. Roosevelt
1944 Democratic Party Platform
Letter Endorsing Truman or Douglas for the Vice-Presidential Nomination
Letter on the Vice-Presidential Nomination
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois
Republican Party Platform of 1944
Post-election Radio Address to the Nation
Wendell Willkie
Remarks to Campaign Workers at the Hotel Commodore in New York City
Telegram to Wendell L. Willkie Responding to His Telegram Conceding the Presidential Election
Telegram to Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Charles L. McNary Responding to His Telegram Conceding the Presidential Election
Telegram to President Roosevelt Offering Congratulations on the Election Victory
Charles McNary
Telegram to President Roosevelt Conceding the Presidential Election
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination in Elwood, Indiana
Radio Address to the Democratic National Convention Accepting the Nomination
1940 Democratic Party Platform
Republican Party Platform of 1940
Alf Landon
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination in Topeka, Kansas
Acceptance Speech for the Renomination for the Presidency, Philadelphia, Pa.
1936 Democratic Party Platform
Telegram Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Republican Party Platform of 1936
Informal Extemporaneous Remarks at Miami, Florida Immediately Preceding Attempted Assassination of the President-Elect
Informal Extemporaneous Remarks at Montgomery, Alabama on Muscle Shoals Inspection Trip
Informal Extemporaneous Remarks at Sheffield, Alabama on Muscle Shoals Inspection Trip
Address at the First Inauguration of Governor Herbert H. Lehman of New York in Albany
Exchange of Letters between President Hoover and President-Elect Roosevelt
Reply to Telegram From President Hoover About Intergovernmental Debts
Telegram to President-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt About Intergovernmental Debts
Herbert Hoover
Message Congratulating Franklin D. Roosevelt on His Victory in the Presidential Election
Campaign Address at Madison Square Garden in New York City
Campaign Address before the Republican-for-Roosevelt League on Cooperation between Executive and Legislative Branches in Government (Excerpts) in New York City
Campaign Address on a Program for Unemployment and Long-Range Planning at Boston, Massachusetts
Campaign Address at Baltimore, Maryland
Campaign Address on Farm Mortgages at Springfield, Illinois
Campaign Address on the Eight Great Credit Groups of the Nation at St. Louis, Missouri
Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Radio Address on Unemployment and Social Welfare From Albany, New York
Radio Address to the Business and Professional Men's League Throughout the Nation
Campaign Address at Detroit, Michigan
Campaign Address on Agriculture and Tariffs at Sioux City, Iowa
Campaign Address on Progressive Government at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, California
Campaign Address in Portland, Oregon on Public Utilities and Development of Hydro-Electric Power
Campaign Address in Seattle, Washington on Reciprocal Tariff Negotiations (Excerpts)
Campaign Address on Railroads at Salt Lake City, Utah
Campaign Address in Topeka, Kansas on the Farm Problem
Campaign Address on Prohibition in Sea Girt, New Jersey