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Remarks by the First Lady and Mrs. Sophie GréGoire-Trudeau at the Canadian State Visit Spousal Event
Michelle Obama
Remarks by the First Lady at the Let Girls Learn Event Celebrating International Women's Day
Remarks by the First Lady at a Women's History Month Event Honoring Women Veterans for Their Service to Our Country
Remarks by the First Lady at a PBS Student Workshop for "In Performance at the White House: The Musical Legacy of Ray Charles"
Remarks by the First Lady at a Black History Month Dance Performance
Remarks by the First Lady, Lena Dunham and Julianne Moore at the American Magazine Media Conference in New York City
Remarks by the First Lady at the School Counselor of the Year Awards Ceremony
Remarks by the First Lady on Ending Veteran Homelessness at the U.S. Confeence of Mayors Winter Meeting
Remarks by the First Lady to Children on the NORAD Santa-Tracker Call
Remarks by the First Lady at the Children's National Health System